Our Technology
The industry's only platform to manage Digital Transformations.
Turn the lights on @ scale in days, not months. How long can you wait to put an end to your painful large IT Programs?
An answer to the question "How are we doing?" seems pretty reasonable to us
You thought Disciplined Agile was a pragmatic idea? We know all about hybrid methodology based on Value Streams because we invented it!

Strategic Services
Our unique experience and assets can be brought to bear on your large scale IT Investments
Honesty, integrity, independent - focused on making a difference for your change initiative
Industry veterans with hundreds of years of diverse experience in complex situations
Critical and independent thinkers, never conflating sound advice with the latest industry silver bullet

Artificial Intelligence is all the buzz in the IT industry. Make no mistake, the promise of AI is real and will disrupt established players and transform the worlds economy. SDE is the exclusive holder of a patent which combines system's thinking, software development practice and life-cycles and providing advice and guidance to your enterprise teams. Such practices span the spectrum of Project and Portfolio Management, Requirements, Design and Implementation and DevOps. We invite your enterprise to become early adopters as we practice our invention and make a difference in large enterprises. The early bird gets the worm so they say...

Our Team
Integrating silos and accelerating value flow
SDE is an organization focused on materially improving the success rates related to software development capability improvement. With over $200B left on the table each year due to software project train-wrecks, current performance in the IT industry must give way to better outcomes. It is not just a nice to have, it is a business imperative for Digital Transformation. Our consultants know what it takes to get the job done, how to navigate the inevitable rough patches, and can provide that second pair of eyes that gives you the necessary independence to disrupt the status quo. Armed with our technology, no one can touch our capabilities to provide the data and the reach necessary to empirically improve your enterprise.

Anyone who has been involved in big software programs knows they are fundamentally different than the world of small and startup types of development. When many hundreds or even thousands of people are brought to bear on a software endeavor, very complex dynamics emerge. These social dynamics at their core do not lend themselves to simple organizational processes or structures or flavor-du-jour methodologies. Far more systemic issues come into play including cultural friction, scale, complexity, motivation, and risks, especially those risks related to vendor management.